Added: Feb 4th, 2015
1 - 0.8% daily for lifelong
2 - 1.0% daily for 30 days
3 - 1.2% daily for 100 days
4 - 1.3% daily for 200 days
5 - 1.5% daily for 300 days
Min/Max: 1 / 10000
Referral: 3-1-0.5-0.1
Withdrawal: Automatic
Our Invetment: $200.00
Payout Ratio: 29%
Last Payout: Feb 24th, 2015
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Monitored: 3536 days
Lifetime: 3536 days
We do not invest money in gold and oil, we do not play on Forex, and we are not able to conclude deals with horses on a horse racing. We do not build pyramid schemes. We make profit from HYIP projects. HYIP is the most risky, but it is the highest yield type of investments. We are able to minimize risks and earn sizable income. We are ready to share the part of this income with you, the remaining one is necessary for us to complete our People’s Bank Project.
PerfectMoney Bitcoin Payeer
Admin Note: Don`t Invest

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